Writer, dreamer, fairies believer. I'm an emeritus (retired) NaNo ML, Twitter Sprint Lead and participant. This blog tends to be about my writing, my mental health and whatever else pops into my head.
14 Sept 2014
Waving, Not Drowning,
Today is a really weird sort of a day, partly because I don't really know exactly where it began. At half past four this morning I was still up with my housemate, my wonderful boyfriend and my housemate's friend, whilst they were drinking and my lungs basically forgot they were lungs.
The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a crazy mess of things where I've ended up in A&E twice, celebrated the year anniversary of my relationship, the absolute and finally death of the Craptop and also the assembling of The Computer Which Possibly Works. Now that he actually works - and looks sexy and is almost completely silent doing it... - his name is Prodigy, after the case that he's built in. There's also a deal been struck with regard to the birth of this little beauty, but more on that in a minute.
So, yes, A&E. What happened?
I've always had issues with my health, that much cannot be disputed, and I also have a somewhat reluctant relationship with food, however this was quite literally my stomach deciding it didn't want me to eat anything ever, and because I had, it was going to flare up to the extent that I thought I was dying. I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but my heart was doing funny things and I couldn't breathe, so I left work on one side of the hospital for a waiting room on the other to be given Gaviscon and strong painkillers. Two days later I was back to discuss the painkillers with the doctors since they had a bit of an adverse effect - I basically felt like my brain was passed out while my body was fully conscious, and the pain wasn't going away.
It's all getting a bit better now, because I'm being careful about what I eat, when I eat and how much Gaviscon I have with me at the point - why does everything that settles your stomach tastes like it came out of the garbage? - and because a friend suggested some lovely tablets that are like Kalms for your stomach, and they appear to be helping on the whole.
Then, of course, there was the anniversary. The 4th of September marked a full year since I went on my first date with my lovely Ben, so we celebrated by going back to Jamie's in Kingston, eating some overly delicious food and getting me addicted to yet another bloody cocktail... In one way, this year seems to have raced by in so little time, but in another, because we've done so much, it feels like so much longer.
Now this has been a long time coming, but the Craptop is finally dead. It's hard drive is now in my new computer, after being fully formatted and all that sort of I-have-no-idea which means it can now Rest In Peace...s. Even though the build for this computer has been going on for a few weeks, I still find it really weird to have a fully working desktop again, but it was only finished today, so I need to give it some time. It's also going to take me a while to get used to Windows 8.1. This thing is seriously confusing my brain, but all I really care about is that it's up, it's running, it's beautiful and it makes practically no noise. I think there is actually more of a hum from the screen than the actual unit itself.
Anyway, because Ben put in so much effort to get Prodigy up and running and ready this weekend, we struck a deal. The excuse of computer equipment can no longer be used with regard to the editing or formating of Yours,, which means that it will and has to be completely finished by the end of 2014... All I can say to that is, oooooooh shit...
As of now, there is crap all over my bed, it is late and I have work in the morning, so good night to all.
Ben. anniversary,
the computer which potentially works,
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