26 Feb 2023

Functionally Stunted,

It seems like so long ago I was writing about being fictionally stunted and it would be lovely to be able to write that since then I have been able to regain my composure and start writing properly again, but the truth of it is that I have taken the longest break from writing after NaNoWriMo since probably 2009, and honestly, I can only think that it is a good thing. Unlike that sentence which has the word writing in it far too many times...

I know it doesn't sound like a good thing, but nothing has felt like such a slog as NaNoWriMo last year. It was somewhat painful to get through and I have never been so glad that it was over as I was last year. Today something that once wasn't strange happened. I was walking around my kitchen putting some things away after just getting home and I was humming to myself, and it turned into something from a novel I was once working on. By the time I got myself together to write it down, half of it was already gone, but that is usual right now. It's unusual that I've actually felt the buzz of something creative. I've tried a few times, and I've had a couple of good days, but not many. 

Part of the problem has been the loss of my good laptop. It's still not working properly and it's a problem with keys that I can't do without. My 'backup' is a slow-running grump of a thing and it doesn't help me with writing at all; it never has. For multiple reasons I also can't make myself get along with my PC or anything like external keyboards and the like to be able to use the good laptop.

One of the other reasons, or one of the ones I'm happy to share, is the fact that the last few months have been BUSY. I've managed to juggle work and Scouts and writing before, but this was different, partly because of how November fell, the efforts of being an ML in a region that was so far away, being able to drive (and feeling the need to drive and do things) plus having a whole additional section who were my responsbility instead of being able to check out slightly and know that someone else was able to cover for the fact I was mentally barely there. Honestly, the last few months I have needed to take the time away from something that has previously been my catharsis, because it was more stress than a stress relief, and I needed to accept I needed to focus on other things. 

I'm hoping to be able to come back to it now, but I'm not going to try and pressure myself to do it, because I know for a fact that one of the problems recently has been trying to stretch myself far too thin, and unfortunately, writing is the thing that is going to need to drop.