22 Aug 2013

Beauty is a Beast

There is an obsession session with beauty which everyone seems to have these days and it makes for a complicated life.

A lot of people I know can't Actually cope without having false nails on all the time, but it looks to me like it makes life a lot more difficult. Anyway, bearing in mind that we have no concrete evidence to support the theory of reincarnation, I figure you should accept that you only live once and this week I am giving it a try. It's already proving difficult...

11 Aug 2013

Running With It,

I'm starting to wonder if running in the mornings is detrimental to everything else I do in day, because it seems as though I'm so knackered that all I want to do is crash on the sofa watching television for the rest of the day. It's gruesome, because I spend only half an hour running and then it becomes something which takes up my entire day. I'm glad that I only go running once every two days, or I would get nothing done. 

I've just had a look over the old blogs, because I knew that when I had got through formatting the latest novel, I had put down a provisional date (two, in fact) as to when it would be released, the first of which was going to be on the two year anniversary of the CharliesWrite blog (7.3.13) the second being my 20th birthday (19.3.13) neither of which actually happened - obviously. Anyway, for those of you not connected on Twitter (@charlieswrite) or Facebook (search: Charlie Yarwood Author) I'm now not working to any sort of provisional dates, BUT the initial formatting is now done and so is the first edit where most of the problems have been ironed out. All that needs to happen now is a little bit of moving words around and then a proof read and then it will be arriving onto the Kindle AND Amazon.com AND Amazon.co.uk (+++all of the European Amazon sites!!) Everything is designed and ready to go when the content is ready! 

Anyway, I'm going to make myself another mug of tea and start work on something different, because I would rather avoid having a typo on the front page of the first edition this time, because that would upset me...

6 Aug 2013

The Lone Ranger,

I meant to write this the day after seeing the preview, but things happen, don't they and I was editing a novel, so with my mind a little fugged with cava, I'm going to write it now. 

Apparently the critic reviews from this film haven't been amazing, but personally I don't understand that one bit!

Johnny Depp is, in my humble opinion, a phenomenal actor and I love the range which he has. Admittedly, the character whom he plays in The Lone Ranger is Jack Sparrow kind of crazy - he keeps trying to give bird seed to a long dead bird after all - he still plays the role in a different way. 

There is nothing serious about the film. It's exactly what it looks like - Pirates of the Caribbean do a Western - but it is hilarious. I genuinely don't think I have laughed so much at a film in a long time, and some of the detailing is just amazing. I was watching it thinking that the music and sound effects were pretty immaculate. 

The clever planning of some sections reminded me of the first (recent) Sherlock Holmes movie - the one before Game of Shadows which I still need to watch again as I slept through it... It's almost as though, you think you have it all worked out, but then you see something different and it all changes again. 

I was impressed with Helena Bonham Carter, and I think I prefer her in this to Sweeney Todd since, even though she is still that strong, quirky female character that she just can't help but be, there is definitely something stronger and less dependent about her and it just amazes me.

If you enjoyed the Pirates of the Caribbean, there is no way that you could hate it. In fact, the only way you could is if you take Westerns - and life - far too seriously. It's jovial, it's well put together and it's something I could easily go and see again without getting bored.

There is also a great moment where you can make a crude joke about the main character being able to find a cat in a whore house, but I'll leave that one to you guys to figure out...