I didn't know what I wanted to call this blog post, so I've just given it the name 83 because it's the 83rd blog I'm posting on this platform. Pretty cool, huh?
What's even cooler is that the blog has now had 2774 views in it's lifetime, which I'm pretty proud of actually, so to all of you who are reading, or have read before, thank you very much; you've made a small Charlie rather happy.
In other news, a no longer so little project that I've been working on since the age of fourteen has now been put on hold in favour of making something different. Originally I was knitting patches of all shapes and sizes, then stitching them together to make a large patchwork blanket (it still needs a lot of the patches stitching on) but that has moved over to make way for knitting tiny Christmas stocking decorations for our tree.
The pattern for the original socks was cute, but after a couple of variations with sizing, and pattern, I've found that I much prefer these little cutie booties:

The best part is, the size is quite literally perfect to hide a little chocolate in.
Yeah, so maybe some people think that it's a little bit sad, because knitting is a granny sport, right? WRONG.
Crafty little bits like this can be really great to give you something to do instead of vegging out in front of the TV or something to do at the same time. Most don't require a lot of brain power - though obviously there are more complicated patterns if you want to go for that - and you're left at the end with something you can use.
Both my female grandparents, and my mother too, really enjoy making things out of wool, and the best thing about these little stocking booties is that you barely need any wool to do it really. It's a great way to use the last bit of a ball, that you might have just thrown away otherwise...
I enjoy making them, and they've filled up our tree quite nicely.
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