I'm going out and doing fun things in London today, which will be amazingly good fun, I know, but I can't guarantee what time I will be home/what I'm doing later, so I wanted to post this now so it's my goal out of the way.
The naughty thing is I actually prepared this last night, but I don't really feel too guilty about it, because I knew I still had a few bits to do before posting it, and technically I am sat here writing and posting today, so I am going to count that as a win.
Back when social media was in it's reasonably early stages, and the days where Bebo was a thing, we used to do these quizzes all the times and you can tell that not everyone is honest with them and some of them are better than others for how much you learn about a person, but I've chosen this one because this month is about camping and goals, so Day 1 was camping and today, Day 2, can be about goals. Loosely.
Hopefully it gives you a little bit of insight, or at least is a bit interesting and I will catch up with you tomorrow!
If You Could:
The naughty thing is I actually prepared this last night, but I don't really feel too guilty about it, because I knew I still had a few bits to do before posting it, and technically I am sat here writing and posting today, so I am going to count that as a win.
Back when social media was in it's reasonably early stages, and the days where Bebo was a thing, we used to do these quizzes all the times and you can tell that not everyone is honest with them and some of them are better than others for how much you learn about a person, but I've chosen this one because this month is about camping and goals, so Day 1 was camping and today, Day 2, can be about goals. Loosely.
Hopefully it gives you a little bit of insight, or at least is a bit interesting and I will catch up with you tomorrow!
If You Could:
- Travel anywhere, where would it be? I want to go to China and see the pandas. I know I just saw them in Edinburgh, but I really want to see the babies and see them in something more like their natural environment. I love them.
- Meet anyone, who would it be? Up until a few weeks ago it would have been Harper Lee. Since that's no longer possible I would go with Lemony Snicket.
- Bring anyone dead back to life, who would it be? Harper. I'm changing my answer to question 2 now.
- Be anyone for a day, who would it be? Myself, without an anxiety problem!
- Get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be? Books. All of the books. I love my library (even though it's split between London and Manchester).
- Change one thing about your life what would it be? If I could own my flat rather then renting it, I would be pretty happy with that.
- Have any superpower what would it be? I think I would like to be able to do that thing of setting myself on fire; at least then I wouldn't be cold all the time. I know, that's kind of selfish.
- Be any animal for a day which would you be? I think I would like to be a sloth bear in Whipsnade.
- Date anyone who would it be? I'm not going to write that on here. ;)
- Change one thing about the world what would it be? I think I would stop there being global warming, because I love polar bears, and people. Global warming is affecting everyone and if you believe Kingsman (and the actual theory of Gaia) we're already screwed.
- Live in any fictional universe which would you choose? The one from Sunshine by Robin McKinley. If you haven't read it, do.
- Eliminate one of your human needs which would you get rid of? I think I would get rid of my need to sleep. Only because I spend/waste so much time doing it that I know I could be a lot more productive without it. Well, without the need of it.
- Change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? Like many women I wish they were a couple of letters further into the alphabet.
- Change one of your personality traits which would you choose? Again, anxiety. It's not something I love.
- Be talented at anything instantly what would you choose? Drawing. I have always wished I could draw, but I am so bad at it.
- Forget one event in your life which would you choose? A motorcycle accident I witnessed when I was about 13. It made me terrified to be on a road (but not a motorbike, strangely).
- Erase an event from history (make it so it never happened) which would you choose? That could be a few things at the moment: Holocaust, Twinkey defence, Donald Trump's birth...
- Have any hair/eye/skin color, which would you choose? Ginger hair, blue eyes but my current skin tone. Not quite pale enough to be alabaster, but too pale for any kind of mainstream foundation colour :)
- Be any weight/body type, which would you choose? I like my current weight, but I wish my body type was a bit more balanced, rather than me resembling a pear.
- Live in any country/city, where would you choose? NEW YORK
- Change one law in your country, which would you change? It's not really a law, but I would be tempted to change the way that the prison system works so that offenders were paying for it instead of tax payers. I don't get why they should get to break the law and us pay for it.
- Be any height, which would you choose? I like my height (about 5"7) because I can still wear heels.
- Have any job in the world, which would you choose? Writer. Clearly.
- Have anything appear in your pocket right now, what would it be? Bernard's Watch (if you grew up in the 90s, you know).
- Have anyone beside you right now, who would it be? Well, that would be telling.
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