12 Aug 2016

When Things Burn,

No, not literally. 

I don't really know how many people noticed my long absence from this blog, but there is a long story and right at this moment I don't feel like telling the whole of it. Partly because I've had to retell it so many times I'm surprised that the entire world doesn't already know it. The important bits are that some people are a complete waste of oxygen, I can be a lot stronger than I think I can, I am surrounded by some truly amazing people and things do get better. 

Unfortunately, all of that did mean that a lot of my stuff, including my PC, was in storage for a week. Let no mistake be made, the last few weeks haven't been me having a jolly. The last few weeks have been intense with me moving my stuff more miles across London than I have the whole time I have lived here and despite being In a new fixed and settled home, I'm by no means back to being sorted.

Every time you move house there are three million things to do and I am nowhere near through that list. I mean, you have to change GPs, and notify Everybody that you've moved house and it is just intense.

I haven't gone to pieces though and I have been writing and working and reading even, which has been a novelty. I even got to have a bath the other night with a face mask on and my book and a Lush bath bomb in the water and I'm not kidding, it was glorious. Now I just need a holiday and I really will be set. Well, let's see when that happens.

People can often think that I'm pretty highly strung, maybe I am, but I think that I have just had so much going on for such a long time that trying to calm down has never really happened. I would love to go away for a week and just chill out on a beach sometime, but it doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon, which is a damn shame.

This weekend I will be working, which I am simultaneously looking forward to, whilst being rather anxious. It's going to be a long one and I won't actually get a break now until the following weekend. My new job is something pretty wonderful though so I can't really complain too much.

I am hoping that all of this should now be resolved, or as resolved as it can be and I should be available to be back to the once a week blog posts (and I'm even going to try to do this on the weekends when I am working). I really didn't want to drop the blog, but I didn't have much of a choice with everything else that was going on, but I'm going to try and stop it from happening again.

Catch you later.

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