28 Sept 2012

Sometimes, CharliesDon'tWrite

If you don't already know that I can be somewhat lazy sometimes, then that's something you should probably be prepared to take notice of. There are times when that laziness is actually fuelled by the amount which is going on in my life, because there are times when I can be VERY busy.

As many of you will probably be already aware of, September is the month wen the majority of university Freshers' Weeks occur and we get to introduce a new yera group to our institutions, our students and our surrounding areas. (I am aware that universities don't just exist within cities). I'm a member of a university SU, so I've had a bit of a busy week since landing back in Manchester and then returning to London by train the same day.

The result of all this has been a distinct decline in the time I have to blog and the time I have to write anything very much. The pen is not down, but it's hovering in a rather relaxed fashion. After managing to self-publish two novels this summer though, I think I can afford to be pretty unpreductive until the start of November and my beloved NANO!

This week has been pretty fun though. One of the Freshers said that a friend of mine is a lot like Hitler, which made me properly belly laugh like I haven't in a while, there has been the fun of making popcorn in pans - microwave popcorn has too many I'mnotevengoingtoattempttospelltheword in it - and then there has been two club nights which have been fantastic. Looking forward to more.

Charlie x


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