21 Mar 2013

The Paperboy

I went to see a film this weekend, purely and simply because it had three actors in it that – quite frankly – I wouldn't kick out of bed for keeping their socks on. (Guys, this is a real, serious offence). Anyway, on occasion, such things go really well and I really enjoy the film, but this one was just difficult to watch and there was a point when I very nearly puked.

We read the synopsis, and were expecting something a bit more light hearted and jovial. It was really difficult to watch however, and I don't think I will ever be able to watch Magic Mike in the same way again (this film has given me a different view on the beautiful Matthew McConaghhgfhglsh), or Serendipity (because who wants to think of that beautiful man welding a machete while attempting to find that girl that got away – changes the entire concept me thinks) or High School… I'm not evening going to finish that sentence because, much as I do love Zac Efron (go watch Charlie St Cloud if you don't and then tell me that he's not a gorgeous little bambi) I still hate those films.

Maybe it's because I'm just SO sensitive – and I have a Waldo Pancake notebook that proves it! – but films like The Paperboy, Water for Elephants and all that sort of thing REALLY GET ME. I was watching a show where they trained fathers to be the perfect birthing partner the other night and I was blubbering at the end of it because it was how sweet how much they loved their children and… yeah, I know, get a grip of yourself.

Being very cynical about it, everything is just to do with a rush of chemicals and our body's reaction to those chemicals. In the film, I was hopped up on adrenaline, making me scared and anxious and the other night it was all serotonin and whatever the lady hormones that make you instantly love all babies are, but whatever. I like my chemical reactions.

If however, you are sensitive like me, I would strongly advise either not going to see that film or taking a big box of Kleenex man sized…

~For the benefit of Miss Sophie Greene,

My most sincere apologies go out to all those (aka Sophie) who waited up all night searching Amazon for the release of the new novel. As people (aka Sophie) may already be aware, I'VE BEEN A LITTLE BIT BUSY and I BEYOND HATE editting, so I haven't quite got it finished yet.

I will however prescribe you an almighty dose of DWI (Deal With It - for those who aren't fluent in Sophie Greene's mottos) and remind you that the damn thing will be free for the first five days after it's release so stop being so ungrateful.

Much love to everyone else :)

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