11 Apr 2014

Forwards and Backwards,

For those of you who have never had to deal with me in the flesh, you may not realise that there is one thing I really don't do very well at, and not, it's not staying healthy for more than a few hours at a time.

More than anything, I really don't deal with change. But a lot of things change. 

There are a lot of things changing in my life right now, but I'll only mention a few. The biggest one is probably my housemates changing.

If you're not careful, and you're not particularly good at keeping up with people (guilty) then your flatmates can become very much the make up of your social circle, or at least the inner ring of it. Let's face it, if you're sharing a house, you're going to be spending either a lot of time together or a lot of time locked up in your room. 

I will admit as quickly as any of us that there have been ups and downs, but the saying 'better the devil you know' exists for a reason. I've conducted a couple of viewings around the property, and it feels a little bit like I've walked in to a bar, kissed the first available (and willing) stranger, then asked them to marry me, and I don't really know how to do anything other than that.

Another big change is to my timetable. All of a sudden there's a 30 credit module which I have no lectures and no exam for. That's kind of a scary thought. Whilst I have no intention of leaving my dissertation until the week before it is due, it is still scary that there is no weekly structure for such a large part of my degree.

Something which terrifies me is that - as I have been saying for a few months - the Craptop is on its way out. It's terminally ill, and clinging on to dear life. What's dearer? The laptop that I think I want instead. And what's so wrong with that? 

Well, other than the price tag, there are other drawbacks. The biggest drawback simply has to be that I have limited experience with buying laptops. The first and last laptop which I have ever purchased/had purchased for me was the aforementioned Craptop, and it never really made it up the hill for it all to go downhill from there. I would love to be able to put enough trust in a sales assistant to walk in and say 'I want a fast, reliable, but reasonably lightweight laptop with X amount of memory and Z programs already installed. Go,' but I work in retail and I know that not everyone has the attitude that I do towards it.

And lastly, I'm going to be on the verge of finishing university in about 13/14 months. That is just terrifying, and the people I started with - well, the vast majority of them are graduating this year. 

I know not all change is bad, but all change is slightly nerve racking. No one has a crystal ball, but I guess you just have to put your feet together and jump. 

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