9 May 2019

As She Sheepishly Enters the Fray,

It's been two months. Why has it been two months? Why is it that I've still not written about San Fransisco properly, or London Landmarks Half Marathon, or my new job, or the perils of going for said job. Why are there so many drafts on this thing, where I couldn't convince myself to press 'Publish'? One of the big reasons is because my anxiety is an arsehole.

Now, obviously, I don't mean an actual arsehole, even if it's primary function does appear to be spouting crap, but instead, it's the kind of arsehole that also is supposed to look like the white-hot center of the universe. (God, I love a 'Grey's Anatomy' reference!) 

Every time I think that I've just about got to the I'm back to okay stage, and I think I'm back to my normal self, something happens and I seem to slip back towards "relapse me". "Relapse me" is the person who sleeps all of the time, is constantly reactive and only watches TV outsidre of work. That might not seem like such a bad thing, but way back when I was feeling okay, feeling steady, I had hobbies that I loved that didn't involve drinking, running and vegging in front of the TV. Even my writing has fallen by the wayside. 

I think there is a certain amount of fake it until you make it involved in getting better, so I'm doing my best to try and remind myself to write, and do the other things I enjoy as well as running and keeping up with Game of Thrones. We'll see how that goes! 

Catch you later.  

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