19 Oct 2012

A Month of Sundays

For those who know very little about me or who have only just met me, you won't realise that I'm on the very borderline of crazy right now, because we're getting almost too close to November for me to contain my excitement. 

00:00 on the 1st November marks the start of NaNoWriMo and you have until 23:59 on the 30th November to write a 50,000+ word novel (50,000 words is the official length required for a piece of writing to be considered as a novel and not a short story or novella). I'm actually pretty terrified for this year, because I have a few uni deadlines around the same time, but I know that if I don't finish NaNo, I'll be kicking my own butt until at least Camp NaNo in the summer... 

In preparation for such a monumental event occurring, I've already had the pre-NaNo ills, done a little nesting and dusted off my typewriter - Hermes. There are notes and character profiles floating around in basically all of my notebooks and I'm wondering how easily I can get away with essentially becoming a recluse. Seriously, I'm looking at my calendar and trying to plot in all the days which I can spend in my bed with the Craptop just getting down to it and getting some work done!! 

On said subject, there are a multitude of ways to encourage yourself to work, such as the very effective (or so I have found) Write or Die - Putting the Prod in Productivity (I love that so much XD) and also the very cute and cuddly WrittenKitten. One forces you to work by either playing you horrible music or deleting your words slowly if you stop typing for too long and the other refreshes and shows you pretty photographs of cats each time you pass a goal of word count...

As a vegetarian, I'm meant to love the animals, all the animals. I'm meant to love them for ever and always,...but I don't. I mean, I like these cats, because they are on the screen and they can't slobber or malt on me and they can't scratch me and they can't knead my leg (that really goes through me) but still, some of the photos are just scary...

Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say really, so I will leave you with the suggestion of a song to listen to. Brett Dennen - Heaven. 

Charlie x


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