18 Mar 2014


This blog was going to be me complaining about something which actually has a meaning, but I've just taken attempt number two at doing an Asda shop and not being upset by all the things that I can't have, so let's go with something less meaningful, but getting more of my emotional response at the moment. 

I'm used to being slightly considerate of what I eat because of things that can be unexpectedly not vegetarian, but because of the way my stomach is behaving with diary at the moment - as a clarification, eggs are not dairy - I'm having to check the packets of everything to make sure there's no milk or cheese or cream in anything, because otherwise it will make me feel sick for hours. I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to eat!!

Even the salad dressing I was looking at on Asda's website apparently contains milk, which is just ridiculous! Cheese makes up half of my diet, when I feel like crap I drink a glass of milk, so this is just insanity. It has essentially dropped my diet on it's head and I have massive cravings for crisps and chocolate all the time. 

Add to this the fact that my favourite sweets are apparently no longer being manufactured and I'm sure that it's just to torture my sweet tooth. 

Ah well, wine and bon bons it is.

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