30 May 2014

Oh, Well That's Just Flattering,

This might not get done all in one go, because my arms are killing me. I attempted to prune the bushes in my garden (no pun or innuendo; the actual plants in the space outside of my house) and I lack the muscles to be able to do it properly, so it makes me a little bit shaky afterwards. 

I've had a couple of little proud moments this week, including being able to post a present that I made for a friend, so it will reach her in a few days, but the best one has been getting a text from my lovely partner telling me that the guy he was sat next to on the train into work was reading my book on his Kindle. 

My natural inclination was to ask for a description of this person, and after establishing that he wasn't someone I knew, it was actually rather exciting. It's out there, and I forget about it most of the time, but it's nice to know that there are people who actually pay it attention. 

So with exams over, and no lectures until roughly October, I have knitting projects that I'm really excited about, and also a couple of things with writing and editing and maybe even some more self-publishing. It would be lovely, but we'll have to see what happens.

Anyway, my crazy nervousness has led me to have already packed for my TWO WEEKS IN GREECE! and now also have a tiny trot up to Manchester planned for the start of next week. Basically, I'm able to be a bit busy busy for the next few days. Now all I need to sort out is a new screen for my computer.

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