23 Apr 2017

Oh, Well This is a Novelty,

I went into John Lewis today in order to admire the pretty laptops and, well, to pine over another new techy thing, though this one would have been completely unnecessary.

For the past I can't remember how many months, my beloved and beautiful PC has been sat in the corner of my room doing nothing because, and this is the very honest answer, I could not be bothered faffing about on the floor trying to figure out why it had disconnected itself from the internet. Again. However after pinning for a new, and completely unnecessary laptop, I came home, fought off the dust bunnies and sorted out my old pal. 

Granted, this does throw up the issue that I will need to clean the heat sync on the CPU and reapply the thermal paste, however I am not doing that right now. Partly because I haven't bought new thermal paste yet.

ANYWAY, it has brought about the rather disquietening feeling of sitting at my home desk and looking out of the window of my room (there isn't much of a view aside from the roof of my neighbour's kitchen). 

It is not the first unfamiliar feeling today though as it was only this morning that I was pulling on compression pants to go for a run for the first time in, probably around two years? 

The good thing is, I don't hate running. The bad thing is, I'm not overly sure I like it. Or enjoy it rather. The thing is, I find running quite weird because essentially the best part of it, or so I have been told, is the bit where you can feel your body saying, can we slow down a bit, can we walk for a minute, there's a bench there, can we sit? And rather than giving into that voice that is asking to stop, you push on and you achieve, and you strive to get further and further each time you go, or faster and faster before you give in to the feeling of needing a rest. I mean, what is that? 

It almost sounds like an exercise in self-denial and why would anyone want to do that to themselves? I don't know, I cannot tell, and we'll see if I stick at it better this time. Catch you later, when my legs stop hurting. 

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