26 Apr 2017


What with one thing or another cropping up, I haven't yet managed to go out for my second run of the week, but I got home tonight with the intention of "suiting up" and getting out there, before realising that I had left my running water bottle at work and one of my feet was covered in blisters across the toes due to ill-fitting shoes. Great. 

Not wanting to put to bed the, I can't bring myself to say good yet, mediocre work that I put in on Sunday, and also the power walk and stair climbing I put in yesterday, I decided I was going to force myself into doing something tonight. I don't think I ever realised how many fitness videos there were on Youtube! I mean, seriously!!

One of my big issues with all of this is, I'm a writer. I tend more towards couch potato than runner/pilates and all of that sort of thing. I am kicking my own behind into this because I was annoyed about my horrendously expanded waistline, though it seems I have very quickly reached the point of needing a belt so that certain pairs of my trousers don't fall down! (RESULT!)

The great thing about YouTube is that it means that people like me, i.e. people with absolutely no idea what they're doing, can be easily inducted into the world of exercise without having to feel like utter muppets, because dance cardio does feel a little bit more like glorified twerking than anything else. (I'm not saying it is that, I'm saying that's what it feels like). The only problem with it though - well, no, not the only problem, but one of the ones on the list - is the sheer lunacy of the fact that I still don't know if I'm doing it right. 

Now, that might not sound like that much of a problem for some people, but here is the problem in simple terms: 

How do I know I'm doing it right? 
You'll feel it working.
What does it feel like? 
Essentially, your muscles hurt.
Well, how do I know if I'm doing it wrong? 
You'll injure yourself.
How will I know I've done that? 
Essentially, your muscles will hurt.

Can anyone else see the problem there? 

I love running and exercising when I get back into it, but I can't help but laugh at how pathetic I know I am, so this is just going to be fun. 

Catch you later. 

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