26 Nov 2013

Hijacking Entertainment,

This is something which people like to have a bang of the drum about pretty often actually, but I want to look at it from a different side of things really. 

The tickets for the gig I went to last night, were supposed to be £41 each with a pound booking fee, but instead, the price for them was in the hundreds. Knowing that the vendor who sold them had 16 pairs which he sold for the same amount means I can work this out: he made £3,456 profit from that one gig, which is more than most of the people working for the 02 make in a month. 

I understand that some people don't go out to work, and there are a variety of jobs which allow someone to sit behind their computer and earn their keep, but I'm not stupid enough to think that it's the only gig he was charging extortionate amounts for tickets for, and he's not the only one, or the worst. 

These days, gigs and festivals seem to reach a certain level of acclaim because they sell out in however many hours, and while it is terrible that then real fans are made to pay through the nose Togo and see the bands they want to see live, the thing that gets me is that there were empty seats at that gig last night, and at a sold out gig, that should never happen. 

Okay, so it's not like the 02 looked half empty, and neither band probably realised there were a couple of people missing, and because the seats will have been sold to tauts or whatever, they're still getting paid the same, but that's however many people's experiences missed because someone saw a way to make some easy money. That look so like stealing from the public in so many ways to me. 

Anyway, I'm sure most people who actually read this are currently in bed, so I'm also going to hit the sheets, but there's going to be a new film blog up in a few days about a classic and it's one of my favourites...I'll tell you why later!

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