25 Nov 2013

Nickelback @ The O2,

This is going to be written very quickly, because my sleepy tablets are kicking in pretty fast, and I need as much sleep as possible because I feel sick as a dog.

Earlier today Ben and I were actually discussing if it was a good idea for me to go out tonight, because it's pretty obvious that my body has decided it's allergic to the weather and it's time for one of my bi-annual chest infections. I'm not quite into the depths of it yet, but I'm at the point where breathing hurts, my sinuses are bunged up to hell and my throat feels like I've been swallowing fire. 

I'm pretty sure that I came out with the phrase, I'm going if it kills me, a couple of times, and well, it has. All the screaming and the shouting and the singing along has left me with a voice like Steven Hawking, and the blast of the kick drum has left my heart feeling pretty wobbly and in a bit of pain, but **** ** it was magical. (Magical is my new favourite word for all the stuff I love, which pretty much fits because of Fairies...) 

I felt like the name of the support act, Skillet, was familiar, and not just because we have in common that we belong in the kitchen doing the cooking. :P Although I'm pretty sure the singer was on something - and I'm not sure that something was legal - their performance was beyond phenomenal, as well as pretty unique with the inclusion of a violin and cello which isn't exactly typical "rock-and-roll", is it? They also have an amazing drummer, and she's bloody hot! 

Their music is kind of Papa Roach in style, but somehow, it's even better. It's best when it's loud and bass-y - so they are fantastic live! Their first UK album is coming out soon, and there should be a tour to follow. They're definitely a band to look out for. 

Now, if you've never seen Nickelback, but you know how they can be with the whole, drinking on stage and breaking the drum mics and shit, you might expect their live sound to be shit, and let's face it, with all the amazing things you can do with a computer, who needs to be a decent musician these days? Honestly? Bands that play the O2, because a shitty little computer can't bring a place like that to it's feet, raising the hands and voices of the audience and reminds them what they felt like the first time they heard a Nickelback track. 

Yeah, okay, so they're doing shots on stage, yeah, they broke the drums for a minute, and yeah, the fans did a couple of things they're not supposed to like standing on other people's shoulders, smoking in the O2 and throwing drinks, but that's because they made sure every single one of the 16000 people who came out for them had a cracking time, and came alive with their music. It didn't matter if it was Far Away - where they were joined on stage by none other than Timmy Dawson, an ex member of the band - where members of the crowd swayed along with their phone flashlights (because lighters are too much of a health and safety risk these days apparently) swaying in the air, or the much heavier beats of Burn It To The Ground and Something in Your Mouth, it was obvious that it was a night to remember for everyone there. They even took part in what feels like a tradition in gigs for me, by performing a cover which sounds better than the original, but guys...slightly awkward...It was a SUNDAY night. Still alright for fighting, if you are so inclined though...

So yes, we arrived hours early and didn't quite know what to do with ourselves. Yes, I've drank so much tea that I'm starting to grow leaves. Yes, my skin reacted to my t-shirt, so that during Skillet's performance, I had to change into a shirt with no buttons, and hope no one was watching (or worse, filming. Yikes!) and my stomach was on display for the rest of the gig, which was less than comfortable, though definitely very cool when everyone ended up cramped together. Yes, it pisses me off that the O2 charges £2.30 for a bottle of water, then takes the lid off of you, because you might attack someone with it, even though it is clear from your speaking voice that actually, you're just rather ill and having a bottle with no cap is somewhat cumbersome actually you absolute knit wit people!! Yes, I felt like the bass amps were giving me unrequired CPR, 

but do you know what? I don't give a flying butterscotch and fudge cake 

because it was awesome. 

Though there is another rant coming tomorrow, not specifically about this gig though....
Going to bed now. 

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