14 Feb 2016

I Think I Ate Too Much Chocolate,

...and that sucks because I love Dairy Milk, but now my head hurts. That might also be partly due to my perpetual dehydration and the fact that I went out Friday night. I need to learn that Tequilla is not my friend.

Rambling over. Ish.

I've finally caught up with Doctor Who, which is pretty miraculous considering I only actually started watching it a few weeks ago. Miraculous might not be the right word there...

As it stands, David Tennent is my favourite doctor by a large margin, but I cannot get used to Capaldi. I mean, Sonic sunglasses? And what's which the guitar? I honestly think they need a bigger shoehorn to get it to fit in there, but perhaps that's just me. I also felt as though Matt Smith's fez should have been more of a permanent accessory, but I have a thing about fezzes. I can't believe I just had to check with Google what the plural form of the word fez is, but Grammarly was arguing with me. (And I was right. :))

I've been watching a lot of the episodes on a split screen while also editing because my brain gets this sensation which I can only really describe as being numb when I've been working for a bit. It doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping too well recently, for unknown reasons, and it makes my attention span drop to ridiculous levels that mean it's completely unsustainable to be just staring at the screen and keyboard monkey-ing. 

I'm also missing my jeans. On a normal day, I would be sat here in jeans if I got out of my pyjamas, but my Lent thing was to wear dresses, so I banned myself from jeans and work pants. Don't kid yourselves though guys, I'm sat here in my sweatpants because they weren't on the list of things I'm not wearing!! And because there is a debate over whether Sundays count anyway. I'm not leaving the house today so I don't care. 

Even still, I am less comfortable than I normally would be and it's making me sulky. Good luck getting me to do anything when I'm sulky! Then again, I really, really want to be able to get the e-book launched for this and before I can do that I need a couple of people, at least, to beta read it, and that takes time, too and I'm busy and tired, during the week. 

I suppose I best get on with this. Or at least find something else to watch. 

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