2 Sept 2012

A Writing River

Back when I was in high school, my geography teacher once despaired to us over the incompetence of her older class. They were working though a piece of coursework about rivers and landscape and not one of them could come up with an explanation for the speed of the river at a certain point.

It slowed, the teacher informed is, because the rock below was extremely porous, so the water was absorbed into the rock, making the rest slow down.

Why that is important I shall never know because geography has never been my favourite past time, but I find it to be a fitting metaphor. When I open up to the world and am 'absorbing' everything around me - experience makes the best inspiration - my pen does not take up residence on my desk, but I do a lot less writing. (The bullcrap in that sentence is that, until recently, all my writing has been done electronically.)

Anyway, what you can never get away from with novel writing is relationships between people. The only way for the story to progress is for the characters to have relationships with others, with the things around them and with themselves. Proper time must be given to get to know yourself and others around you. As such, I spent the last few days looking after my relationship with someone special. No really, he's special in the way that's hilarious. :P I've also been working too, which is the general reason for lack of blogging capability recently.

Anyway, in work again tomorrow, so I need sleep. Night!

Charlie x


P.s. Yes, we are mental. :3

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