24 Jan 2016


Just a heads up, this blog is going to have nothing to do with flying what so ever. :) I just couldn't think of a decent title so random word it was.

I've had an intense few days trying to work out the direction that my life is going in, and it's tough to describe the way I'm feeling at the moment. On the one hand, I'm happy to be out of university and be working and doing something, but on the other, I will never have so much time to focus on other things as I did when I was at university. 

My final year I was in 10 hours a week of lectures one term and 6 hours a week the other term. Yes, I had many hours of reading to do aside from that, and assignments and other things, and I had my job as well, but somehow that either didn't take the same level of time or the same level of emotional and physical capacity to deal with as full-time work. I think the monotony of it upsets my brain a little bit. 

The point is that I'm not as free to spend days working on novels and editing and formatting etc. anymore, and it can be quite frustrating, but this weekend has been very productive, and I'm euphoric with that. Working towards a publishing date, but can't set a date yet, because there's still a lot of work to do. Yay. 

So essentially, watch this space.

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