16 Jan 2016

Why I Don't Write About Politics (Well, Not Very Often Anyway),

I've seemed to have the writing bug all day today and it seems such a shame to waste it. 

Recently I've written a couple of things about sharing and over-sharing and how I know that my opinions will be made obvious even if I don't want them to because the space between the lines in my books is very readable. It's not an issue, per se, but there's a good reason that I don't explicitly write about my political opinion or large pieces about controversial current affairs and that is quite simply because I don't need the hassle.

If someone doesn't like my novels, there's not much I can do about that and it's each to their own. I don't understand people's love of certain writers, big one being George Orwell - I mean, yes, 1984 is an amazing novel for what it predicts but it's a bit of a dull read and if I ever think about reading Down and Out in Paris and London again I have friends that know I will need to be sectioned post haste because once was truly bad enough - but when you start weighing in on these issues, and it can be anything and I'm not going to provide examples because even that would get me into trouble, people start throwing around words like it's their right to label you and tell you your opinion is wrong because it doesn't match with theirs. I like to point out, if I ever get into these conversations face to face, we're not playing a game of snap. You can't just announce you're right and expect to mount some ivory pedestal and not have to defend your arguments, and by that same logic, I would have to defend my views. 

I'm not saying that I can't defend my views - far from it actually, I have a degree in being argumentative (no, really, it's Philosophy and Ethics...) - I just know the internet. Everything gets distorted and there are always sides and, oh, I just can't be bothered with it. So, for now, at least, anyway, I'm keeping out of it. I will write what I write influenced by life, but I'm not getting involved with the drama. Or rather, see if I can get away from it.

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