17 Jan 2016

Hello, And Welcome to Another Episode of How My Weird Brain Works,

Walked into a shop the other day and they have their pancake day stuff out. I mean, that's a fairly normal practice, let's face it, because they also have Valentine's day everywhere and bits of Easter, however, my brain says to me, don't we normally get Valentine's day out of the way before the whole pancakes then Lent then Easter thing? Well, yeah, we do, but this year is super funky for a particular reason and that reason is this. Valentine's Day is in the middle of Lent. 

Suddenly, that typical charming thing of dinner and wine with presents of flowers and chocolates doesn't work, because a lot of people give up alcohol, or certain food (like meat, and we're not going to get into why that winds me up) or chocolate and sweets. So suddenly everyone's go-to Valentine's presents are looking a little bit rocky. I am genuinely tickled and amused by this. 

Anyway, as things do, this got me thinking about what I am going to do for Lent this year. Generally, I suck at lent. I'm really good at making my way through my Easter eggs, but Lent, nope, never been very good at it. Instead of giving up something this year, or rather attempting to and then forgetting what I actually was meant to be giving up, I'm going to be - I guess it's kind of giving something up, but not really. Basically instead of doing my usual lazy thing of living in sweat pants and jeans and work pants, I'm essentially banning myself from wearing pants (as in trousers, not underwear, just so we're clear) and I'm going to force myself to wear my dresses (of which I have around 70, though not all in London with me) and also my skirts (which I have not counted - sorry.) At the moment, the weather forecasts don't looks too bad, and don't misunderstand me, I will be wearing tights (probably thermal ones judging by current temperatures) but yes, that is the plan. If you know me quite well, you'll realise it is a bit out of the ordinary for me to say bye to my jeans for that long, and if not, well, just trust me, it is out of the ordinary. 

Roll on Pancake day then...

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