16 Jan 2016

Move Along, Move Along,

I wrote a blog post two days ago about how Bowie was the first great loss of my generation. I stand by that, even though someone reminded me that I had forgotten Michael Jackson. Very sad as well, but I guess, like Freddie Mercury, people were expecting it because he had not looked well for a long time. 

Today shocked the hell out of me because I didn't realise that Alan Rickman was sixty-nine. My main idea of him was as Snape and Snape did not look sixty-nine - not even close. And now he's gone. 

I don't think that anyone who saw Bowie as an idol had even started getting over him, and I know that many were his fans and fans of the Potter franchise as well. I really wouldn't want to be one of those people right now. 

It's strange to think of how many horrible things happen in the world and then we manage to just find a way past it. We have to. Everyone takes everything differently, I spent the rest of the day in bed when I finished The Fault in Our Stars because it made my heart hurt that the fictional character died. 

As humans we have a strange and beautiful ability to adapt and live on through some pretty awful things, and we need it, but we also need to be sad. For a little bit. And when you see any little piece of happiness, or see any chance to put some happiness in the world, we need to take it. Especially at the moment, we need to take it. Things like random acts of kindness have never been so necessary as they are at the moment, because there is far too much sadness and crap in the world at the moment...

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