24 Aug 2012

Humans: Anti-Social, Vain and Rude

I know that an occupational hazard of working with the public is that some people are just categorically rude, but I'm getting really bored of projectiles flying at me across the shop and having things shouted at me as an explanation. The fact is, it's never an explanation, it's just orders. 
~My apologies, good sir, you seem to be at the disadvantage. My job is that of a SALES ASSISTANT! not a SLAVE!
Seriously, this kind of bumpfk gets old...

It's even worse when you're on a bus, and everybody always wants a seat, but we're all greedy and anti-social these days, we want a double seat - one for me, one for my bag/invisible pet baby duck billed platypus/other reason I'm not having someone I don't know sit next to me - and I can't even fathom as to why. We're in London. Don't worry! The damn near majority of people on the bus will also be Londoners, so they don't want to be Facebook friends and swap emails either. They won't speak to you - occasionally to the point that even if they nudge/lean on/fall asleep on you, they are so silent they won't even apologise!! Refer again to the fact people are RUDE!

And now for the vanity issue. Why is it that people who don't even know me seem to notice when I look different to normal? I can cope with the bunpfk (yes, I love that word) and ceremony that comes with looking different around people I know - all the, ooh, do you have a date tonight? or ooh, who're you trying to impress?. That is not so bad as everyone appearing to stand to attention and be like, ohmyGod, you have put effort into how you look, you clearly are trying to get me into your panties! 
~I'm sorry, but no. I was in CaffĂ© Nero to get a sandwich, not a date, or a phone number - A SANDWICH! 

On the flip side, pictures of baby animals have appeased me. Platypus, d'awwh. <3

I'm tired. Going to bed.

Charlie x


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