8 Aug 2012

Page 35

Oh my gosh. Today, I quite literally realised how much fun you can have with just a camera phone, Twitter and a piece of paper. 

As part of our NUS training, the still relatively new HSU executive were sent out into the world - well, Kensington - with just the above and told to do a scavenger hunt. It was great. We crashed one of our officers work, found red things and hats in TKMaxx and then, to top it all off, one of the lads was testing how deep the pond was and he just slid straight in. It was probably the funniest thing I have seen in a while. He was wearing a suit at the point. If you head over to my Twitter @CharliesWrite, I did retweet it! 

As for the title of this blog, yeah, Fairies has about 200 pages, so this might take a little while, but at least it's going now. I'm actually kind of happy with how it's coming together as well, which is new. I got a little undecided about coffee last night. When I make it, I make a full pot and it's really strong, so if I had drank any, I wouldn't have gone to bed and would have been knackered for training - and then also for work tomorrow - but I would have got through editing another 100 pages maybe? Still think I'll stick to orange juice and tea for the moment. In separate mugs though. 

The thing about this is, I don't have a deadline for it, so I can take my time, but I should be at Greenbelt this year, then I have a million and one things to do in September, October will be about getting into my new courses and then of course, November, my bittersweet pain in the ass...NaNoWriMo. I know I love it, but my gosh sometimes it does feel like it kicks my already fragile ego! 

The sacrifice is going to have to be Camp NaNo, which is really annoying because I never seem to finish my novels in the summer and there is absolutely no valid reason as to why. In November, I just drop everything and get my head down, but other times of year, I can't seem to do that. 

I'm just odd. 

Charlie x 


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