1 Apr 2016

Top Bunk,

Part of my issue with attempting to write a post every day is inevitably going to be the question of about what shall I write? Today, I was at work from 9 am until 5.30pm. Yeah, I could moan about work and all the BS that comes with it, but it's a very negative feeling which is unhelpful for creativity and I'm either going to edit tonight or write something, so I need my creativity. The other issue, of course, is that it would be boring to read, and then there is no sense in me writing it because it has no purpose.

Having been at work all day, I'm struggling, so asked hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator for some camp related topics. The only one it gave me was about worst camping advice I had ever received. Hmmm, well, I don't remember the bad ones. The top three though were:

  • Don't get changed in your tent with the lantern on, unless you can get changed in your sleeping bag because it's basically like a naked shadow puppet show. It's also freezing, so getting changed in your sleeping bag has the added benefit of not allowing you to freeze your vital bits off. 
  • Don't wear jeans. Yes, they're comfortable. Yes, they can be warm. And yes, in a well-fitting pair of jeans, your butt can look fabulass, but Christ on a bike if they get wet, they're staying wet and then you will be cold. Some people need to learn this for themselves, though, and then will swear that they hate camping as a whole because of it...
  • Just because you can set it on fire, doesn't mean you should. Around a camp fire you will hear a lot of horror stories (ghost stories, too, but they don't teach you much) of different things which peopel have put onto a campfire from fireworks to the plastic from their new lighter. If you listen to these stories, they give you the best advice of what not to do around fires. My biggest one is scredded paper - it flies around too much and risks spreading. Not good. 
Not all of these are going to be camping related, but hopefully some of them will be and it might keep things a bit more interesting. 

Catch you tomorrow.

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