3 Jul 2020

Everyone Says 'Happy Friday' Like It's a Given

I'm going to have to edit the message that prompted this blog title, but surprisingly it is not the rambling upset of a person who works shifts. I am a civil servant doing the usual Monday to Friday, but more like ten til six, because screw being up and functional at nine am, or so says my brain. 

"My Friday sucks. I wanted to finish early to get working on a website for a project but I can't because my job is too busy :') also I'm making loads of masks this weekend, so I think I'm going to be snowed under, unfortunately. This whilst trying to fit in Camp NaNo writing challenge and Twitter Sprint Leading because I've not even taken a shift yet and whatever else comes up. I don't know if I want to scream, cry, be sick or go for a really long run, but it's raining so probably not the last one."

I know I was the one that said you have to work off of priorities, but gods and angels it is busy up here in my life right now. I'm also working on a whole other bunch of stuff which doesn't get mentioned, so yeah... 

It gets to Friday and everyone from work is all, woo, it's Friday. Clearly, your weekends aren't busier than the actual week at work, so Friday can only be a positive thing, right? Yeah, so wrong. Unfortunately, this is my circus, so the monkeys on my back are going to stay there until I finish all of the things I need to do, and I'll just have to keep juggling everything until there are fewer balls or pins or whatever it is that people juggle, though knowing what I'm like, I'll probably just pick up a couple more and the whole cycle will start again, but I want to do that because I want what people call a big life. I want to forge ahead doing all of the big things and the scary things and getting through it, even if it takes some tears, some tantrums, and a few tablets of Valium to get there. 

Anyone who follows me on Twitter will have seen this coming, but this is it. 

Charlieswrite, Sporadically Yours. 

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