17 Jul 2020

That's All Folks

Okay. I wrote yesterday about getting close to the end of The Man in the High Castle and today I finished watching it, and right now, I need the book of it so I can read that and see if it actually explains the last of it, because it doesn't really make a whole lot of the ending clear, and that's winding me up. 


It doesn't end with the 'it was all just a dream' scenario, so thank the high heavens for that, but I don't understand the bit with the portal at the end and how they made that happen, I don't understand why the death of the Reichsmarshal means the General can take off his Swastika medal and I'm only thinking that Abensen walks off to see if he can find a world where he hasn't met Caroline yet, or where Caroline isn't dead. I'm gutted for Thomas, because he's lost his dad, who seemed like a pretty decent guy and I really thought, or the ridiculous romantic in me hoped, that the reason that Juliana kept remembering Joe shooting her in one of the Alt- realities was because she needed to be gone in that world to do what she needed to do in another to ensure the safety of the Multiverse. I was waiting for him to come walking out of the tunnel, but instead she's all cosy with Liam/Wyatt and I'm thinking this is the third man you have been very much in love with over the space of not really that long. I'm not judging her for sleeping with them, but her actions kind of make me think she didn't really love any of them, but that's a whole side point right there... I understand what Kido did, and I kind of love his character arc, although I am confused at what he plans to do *next* and I feel like the story line with his son was rushed as heck, but that's that. 

At least it wasn't as disappointing as the end of Game of Thrones was, or the entire movie of Ready Player One. It was alright, but it just felt like it stopped short of where I wanted it to stop. I enjoy films and books and things that don't spell out everything, but I only really enjoy watching Donny Darko for getting to the end and thinking, I still don't get it... 

Today has been a bit of a weird old day. I had too much work to get everything done, no energy or inclination to make any more masks though the time where we in the UK should be wearing them most of the time trudges ever closed and I realise that it puts me back to the feeling of when I was in San Francisco in 2018. The Campfire was burning around California and honestly, with all of the wildfires, I was worried the trip might be cancelled. It was easing a lot by the time I went but the air in San Francisco was so full of ash that I didn't get to see the Golden Gate Bridge, I didn't really want to go to the Japanese Gardens in Golden Gate Park and we couldn't even see Alcatraz. For several days the boats to Alcatraz weren't running and neither were the cable cars because the air quality was just so poor, and you couldn't lay your hands on an N95 mask, the type with the filters on, pretty much anywhere, and then there were people around with these huge, industrial style masks and gas masks. It made it even more scary, but it was worth it. I used Uber a lot that trip, but the BART was okay and I still managed to do a lot of what I had planned to do, and in the Castro it was like everything was just a normal day. My anxiety was being awful then, too, and it was triggered by the planes and the ash in the sky and parkrun being cancelled across San Francisco, but somehow I just kept plodding through it, and so did most other people and that was how we made it through it. That was how we got to the end of it and it was all okay. Well, it was mostly okay. I loved California, but given that one of the things I have more nightmares about than anything else is fire, I don't think I would be able to live there even if I got the opportunity to move. 

So this time, too, we'll just keep plodding and hopefully it will all come right in the end. And until then, I'm going to try and wear the coolest or geekiest masks I can make and enjoy the time I'm wearing them. 


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